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Welcome to the GARDEN Project: Greener AgRo-fooD logistics in the mEditerraneaN area


We are excited to launch our journey towards sustainable food logistics in the Mediterranean. The GARDEN Project aims to reduce the environmental impact of food supply chains and enhance urban resilience with innovative and eco-friendly practices.

What is the GARDEN Project?

The GARDEN Project, short for Greener AgRo-fooD logistics in the mEditerraneaN area, is a collaborative initiative with ten partners across the Mediterranean. Our mission is to revolutionize food logistics by integrating renewable energy, promoting climate change adaptation, and supporting sustainable urban development.

Key Goals of the GARDEN Project

  • Energy Transition: Shift to carbon-free logistics systems for food supply and bio-waste management in Mediterranean cities.
  • Climate Adaptation: Promote climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention using eco-system-based approaches.
  • Sustainable Urban Development: Integrate renewable energy and sustainable logistics into urban planning.
  • Policy Support: Develop and implement recommendations for local and regional strategies to support energy transition and sustainable food logistics.

Stay Tuned

Join us as we work towards a greener future. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and exciting news from the GARDEN Project. Together, we can create greener, healthier urban environments.

Thank you for being part of our journey!